Can A Duvet Be Used On Comforter?

The process of putting your comforter insider the duvet cover is not that difficult if you take the right steps. If you always have trouble getting the duvet insert inside the cover, you need to take a minute to know about this process prior to trying again. Filling the solid duvet covers is one of easy once tasks that you will come across. As a matter of fact, you will be thrilled with the clean and crisp result. In order to fill the comforter you will need a duvet cover, iron, spray bottle with lavender water, and insert like down or down-alternative. 

First Step 
The first step is to ensure that the comforter insert is as same as the cover. If you try to stuff an oversized comfort into the duvet cover, it will create lumpy and uneven fill which will not look smooth or flat on the bed. Moreover, it will be pretty difficult to get the cover on. Again, if you choose an insert which is too small it will slip and slide around the inside the cover and the corner ties are going to pull in. This will give you concave corners which are not as neat as it should be. For instance, if you buy king size solid duvet covers, then you have to match it with a king-size insert.

Second Step 
Make sure that you launder the duvet cover prior to putting in the insert. When it will come out of the wash, unbutton the duvet cover. Thereafter, you can either iron or shake the cover as per the directions that have been given in order to make the cover nice and crisp. You need to ensure that you are following the seams of the duvet cover when you iron it. If you have crisp edges and corners, it will make it easier to fill up the duvet since it will create natural pockets for the side and corner of the insert to fit in.

Third Step
 After ironing, turn it inside out simply by sticking out your hands through the bottom that is unbutton and the two corners. Next flip the cover and lay it on a flat surface. The bed is a great place to do this. Smoothen out the duvet cover by pulling so that it lays with all edges and corners neat and crisp.

Fourth Step
 Lay the comforter on top of the cover. In case it has tabs, tie the cover corner ties to the knot and tabs securely. Make sure that the duvet inserts has been lined up evenly. Pick up the insert and the cover together by holding it with one hand along the top seam for keeping them together. Thereafter, reach another hand inside the open bottom and hold the top corners to grasp the cover and the insert. Flip the duvet cover right side in. you can do this by rolling or shaking the cover down over the insert. This now has to be tucked inside the cover.

Fifth Step
 Lay the duvet with the solid duvet covers on the flat surface once again and button up the base. Hold the top two corners and shake it evenly for distributing the cover. If you need, you can unbutton the base and use your hand for smoothening it properly.


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